ZOO 3.3 – 1-Click Updates and beyond

  • Miljan
  • ZOO

Just in time for Christmas we have little present for you, ZOO 1-Click Updates. With the ZOO 3.3 release we are introducing, for the first time, the possibility to get notified about updates and apply any future release without leaving your Joomla! backend.

1-Click Updates

Through the Joomla! Update Manager you’ll get notified and offered the possibility to update ZOO with just one click. For those using ZOO + App Bundle the YOOtheme Installer plugin provided with ZOO will manage the authentication, just be sure to set your API key.


In order to authenticate yourself while requesting the download without compromising your credentials, we are providing an API Key, which you will find in your YOOtheme account page. It acts on your behalf, so remember to treat it just like a password, don’t share it. To set the API Key open the plugin "Installer - YOOtheme" in Joomla's plugin manager.

Demo package

While working on the new ZOO release we decided to improve the Demo package by removing the built in Joomla! installation. Now it’s a regular ZOO installation package which installs the demo content, too. This change will allow you to easily and quickly install ZOO to any Joomla! website you already have.

What’s next

Widgetkit2 is around the corner and will be released along with our new theme in January 2015. Widgetkit2 is a complete rewrite of our popular widget toolkit featuring a new interface, UIkit support and 1-Click Updates and other new features.

Also, we are working on bringing support for 1-Click Updates to our themes in both Joomla! and WordPress making sure your customizations and settings are safe during the update process.


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